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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Agricultural News

Delegates at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Express a Serious Distrust in Federal Government During Policy Making Sessions

Sun, 13 Nov 2022 14:37:58 CST

The resolution process really starts with the August area meetings for the Oklahoma Farm Bureau- followed by County Farm Bureau meetings where members are able to offer resolutions which if adopted by the county- are forwarded on to the State Resolutions Committee which meets in October. That Committee debated and adopted 83 resolutions for the state delegates at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau to consider this past weekend in Norman.

One resolution was withdrawn by the Resolutions committee- the other 82 resolutions were adopted. Four resolutions were brought up to the delegate body as what they decribe as a "Callback" and one of those met the two thirds majority standard to be considered by the delegates- that a proposal from Oklahoma and Logan Counties on biosolids. Delegates approved that measure as the last item to become a part of the general farm organization's policy for 2023.

According to Steve Thompson, VIce President for Government Affairs for Oklahoma Farm Bureau, several issues rose to the top on Saturday. Among those topics:

-School Vouchers (discussed & debated multiple times within the State Resolutions Committee meeting and then at the State Convention on Saturday morning and afternoon, but no action approved- meaning the organization has no position on the books for 2023.

-Delegates approved multiple resolutions opposing ESG (Environmental Social Goverance)- including one from Custer County stating "No criteria based on Environmental Social Governance (ESG) scoring shall be used against state or federal government, businesses, groups, or citizens of the USA as a condition of financing, pricing, services, or as a penalty or restriction of our Constitutional rights."

-Delegates opposed Campaign dark money.

-Delegates offered strong support for Rural fire department support- at least three resolutions were adopted- including "We support a state and federal program supporting a grant for volunteer only fire departments to buy higher gallons per minute/pounds per square inch (gpm/psi) trucks to support fire rating standards" as offered by Kiowa County Farm Bureau.

-Delegates approved support for four relatively minor marijuana regulatory revisions- the four were brought up and disposed of favorably in a matter of moments. One of the four was offered by Rogers County- "We support requiring marijuana grow operations to post a bond for the cleanup of abandoned marijuana grow operations that have been abandoned for one or more years. "

-Delegates approved various property tax resolutions- including one from Garfield County- "We oppose protested taxes being held in escrow for longer than two years. The schools need to get their funding."

-Delegates approved a resolution from Okmulgee and Washington Counties on mapping broadband service- "We support accurately mapping broadband infrastructure in Oklahoma to clearly identify non-served and underserved geographical areas. All new broadband services must be designed to deliver minimum download and upload speeds of 100 megabits per second (Mbps). Speeds lower than 100 Mbps would be considered an underserved area. This map should be available for public review."

Thompson tells Oklahoma Farm Report that "Bottom line is the delegates affirmed a serious distrust of the federal government on a wide variety of issues, while only requesting a few adjustments to state government operations. With support expressed for the current state funding for rural hospitals, economic development and drought relief.


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