Oklahoma Farm Report masthead graphic with wheat on the left and cattle on the right.
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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Oklahoma Ag Leadership Program

This Way to the Ring of Kerry- and Our Pictures Online with OALP

Sun, 26 Feb 2012 17:26:42 CST

This Way to the Ring of Kerry- and Our Pictures Online with OALP The final full day in Ireland for Class XV of the Oklahoma Agricultural Leadership Program was spent mostly on the road- traveling the world famous "Ring of Kerry." A road full of curves, which meanders down to the ocean, then back up into the clouds and through tiny villages and past steep hillsides of sheep and a few cattle- it was quite a ride and we have several pictures that help capture Class XV and their adventure on this path.

With these pictures- we have passed the five hundred picture mark for our view of the International Travel Experience- and while it does not include the local farm stays of the members- it does give you a feel of the non stop learning pace of this group- as they saw beef and dairy cattle, sheep, horses, winter wheat, winter rapeseed, grasslands research and a healthy dose of vegetables being produced. Add in a goodly dose of seminars inside and lots of culture- you have a trip that Class XV will long remember- and draw upon as they are involved in leadership in the months and years to come.

Our picture here is of a road sign in Killarney that pointed us to the famous trail- and you can click here to see some of the highlights of the Sunday travels of Class XV of OALP. We have a total of just over 500 pictures in our Flickr set of photos- hope you enjoy them.



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