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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Oklahoma Ag Leadership Program

OALP Class XV Interacts with Progressive Irish Apple Grower- and More Pictures Are Up on FLICKR

Mon, 20 Feb 2012 15:35:53 CST

OALP Class XV Interacts with Progressive Irish Apple Grower- and More Pictures Are Up on FLICKR Monday, February 20th has found Class XV of the Oklahoma Ag Leadership Program moving south- leaving Belfast, Northern Ireland first thing- and driving to close to the Republic of Ireland border before making their only farm stop in Northern Ireland at an Apple orchard, which featured a highly desired local Apple, the Bramley, and allowed the group the opportunity to interact with Dermot Morgan, the apple grower whose orchard we found ourselves in.

Morgan is not just staying with the tradional Bramley trees like many of his neighbors, but instead is going with a smaller tree that requires ongoing pruning to keep it the proper size and will allow him to up his yield per acre of Apples well above growing the tradiional, much larger trees. The larger trees take up a lot more space, and require the person picking the fruit to use a ladder.

After this presentation to the OALP group, we visited with him briefly about his orchard, this paricular variety of apple, his production plans and how he markets them. Click on the LISTEN BAR below to hear that conversation with Dermot Morgan of Northern Ireland.

We have also posted several pictures from that stop- as well as our initial tour in Dublin after lunch on Monday as we arrived in the largest city on the island that includes both Northern Ireland as well as the Republic of Ireland. Click here for our set of pictures from the trip on FLICKR- which includes about 36 new pictures from Monday and the OALP travels.



Ron Hays talks with Dermot Morgan of Northern Ireland about his Bramley Apple Orchard.
right-click to download mp3


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