Agricultural News
On Today’s Ag Perspectives Podcast, Ron Hays Talks to Israeli Ag Tour Guide Colin Lotzof About the Miracel of Ag in Israel
Wed, 22 Feb 2023 22:06:48 CSTOn this Ag Perspectives Podcast- Oklahoma Farm Report's Ron Hays talks with Colin Lotzof, who served as one of two in country guides for Class XX of the Oklahoma Ag Leadership Program. Colin was the agriclutural guide- who, as a third generation farmer, really understood the structure of agriculture unlike anyone few others in the country.
His training is in dairy science and he imigrated to Israel forty years ago from South Africa. He began showing off his dairy operation to visitors in 2000- and that led to people asking him to travel with their group and share his knowledge of ag with them. Along the way- he has established an ag management consultanting business as well.
We discussed the wide variety of production seen in Israel- and the unique communal structure called the Kibbutz which has been a major tool in bringing success to the country in ag production.
Israel is known for it's innovations in agriculture- and Colin explains how that has helped a land that has so few water resources stretch what they have to produce enough food to feed themselves- and in many commodities- allowed producers to export product as well.
They talk water, ag innovations and the future of farming in this small country on the Mediterrean Sea.
Listen to Ron and Colin talk about Israeli agriculture by clicking on the Listen Bar.
Learn more about Oklahoma Ag Leadership Program by clicking here.
Ron Hays talks Ag in Israel with Colin Lotzof
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