Agricultural News
Talking Research with Dr. Jean Steiner of USDA's Grazinglands Research Lab at Ft. Reno
Thu, 09 Jul 2015 06:31:59 CDT
Dr. Jean Steiner is the lead scientist at the USDA's Grazinglands Research Laboratory that is located at historic Ft. Reno, Oklahoma. Steiner and her staff of more than forty develop and deliver technologies, management strategies and planning tools to evaluate economic and environmental risks for integrated crop-forage-livestock systems found in the southern great plains that stretch from Kansas through Oklahoma and across Texas.
Radio Oklaoma Ag Network Farm Director Ron Hays sat down with Steiner in her office at the historic Ft. Reno complex, just west of El Reno, Oklahoma on Wednesday- and they talked about the current mission of the ARS research unit- including the recent designation of the Lab as the Southern Region Climate Hub for ARS and the USDA as well as the halfway completed Great Plains Grazing research project that involves key players from four universities, two ARS research locations and the Noble Foundation. Dr. Steiner is one of the Principal Investigators for the five year $9.4 million program that is looking at ways to improve and promote regional beef production across the three states of the southern Great Plains while mitigating its environmental footprint.
You can hear their full conversation about the Grazinglands Resarch Lab and the five year research program by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below.
Ron Hays talks with Dr. Jean Steiner of the USDA ARS located at Ft Reno, Oklahoma
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