Agricultural News
Luke Davis and Mercedes Hardin Claim Grand Champions in Junior Market Show at National Western
Sun, 24 Jan 2010 20:15:47 CST
The 2010 National Western Premium sale of the top Junior Market animals featured four Oklahoma youth out of the top eight animals sold on Friday night in Denver.
Oklahoma claimed two Grand Champions and a pair of Reserve Grand Champions at the National Western this past week. The Grand Champion Market Lamb for 2010 was shown by Luke Davis of Guthrie, who sold his lamb for a payday of $25,000. The lamb shown by Davis was the Heavy Weight Blackface champion and is named Terrence. The picture here is of Luke and his Reserve Grand Champion Lamb from last spring at the Oklahoma Youth Expo in Oklahoma City.
The Rerserve Grand Champion Lamb also was shown by a veteran from Oklahoma- Cooper Newcomb of Elk City- he had the Medium weight blackface lamb named Secret Weapon- it was purchased for a total of $12,000 on Friday evening.
The grand Champion Market Goat was the other top placing animal shown by a youth from Oklhoma. Mercedes Hardin of Hennesseey had the Heavy Weight Division Champion meat Goat. Mercedes had named the animal "Ghost" and earned a total of $10,500 in the Premium sale.
The Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog also came out of Oklahoma, owned and shown by Bray Houston of Eldorado. This barrow, named Krinkle, was the Champion Hampshire barrow and ended up with a Premium sale bid of $10,500.
The grand champion Market Steer, a bovine named Howdy owned by 13-year-old Sydney Schnoor of Chowchilla, Calif., sold for $60,000 to Emil-Lene's Sirloin House in Denver.
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