Agricultural News
Oklahoma National Stockyards, Oklahoma City, OK - Add Midsession
Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:22:20 CDT
Feeder Cattle Narrative Report for 09/08/2014
Estimated Receipts: 9800 Last Monday: Holiday Year Ago Monday: 7519
Compared to the last test 2 weeks ago: Feeder steers 8.00-12.00 higher. Feeder heifers lightly tested and 3.00-8.00 higher. Steer and heifer calves mostly steady. Demand continues very good for all classes, with the best demand noted on larger packages of weaned cattle. Cattle futures, slaughter cattle prices and boxed beef prices all made advances last week pushing demand for feeder cattle this week. Beneficial rains fell over the weekend bringing along with it much cooler temperatures. Summer will be back by Tuesday but those fall temps are expected to return by the weekend.
Feeder Steers: Medium and Large 1: Calves: 350-365 lbs thin fleshed 346.00-377.50; 395 lbs 319.00; pkg 445 lbs 302.00; 425-460 lbs thin fleshed 317.00-324.00; 475-500 lbs 275.00-291.00; 510 lbs thin fleshed 286.00; 525-550 lbs 257.50-275.00; 550-600 lbs 248.00-261.00; 600-650 lbs 234.50-240.00; 650-675 lbs 225.00-230.00; 700-800 lbs 215.00-220.00; Yearlings: 600-650 lbs 243.00-253.00; 650-700 lbs 237.00-245.00; 700-750 lbs 231.00-244.00; 750-800 lbs 222.50-229.50, 755 lbs fleshy 220.00; 800-875 lbs 217.00-225.00; 900-950 lbs 207.25-215.00; few pkg 965-1000 lbs 198.00-200.00.
Medium and Large 1-2: pkg 310 lbs thin fleshed 355.00; 375 lbs 218.00; 425-500 lbs 267.00-295.00; 500-575 lbs 245.00-260.00, lot 555 lbs thin fleshed 259.00; 640-700 lbs 226.00-239.50; 700-750 lbs 224.00-230.00; 750-800 lbs 213.00-227.00; 800-900 lbs 207.00-223.00; 900-1000 lbs 193.00-199.00.
Holsteins Large 3 400-450 lbs 216.00-228.00; 500-600 lbs 194.00-214.50; 625-660 lbs 194.00-196.00; lot 745 lbs 193.00; lot 799 lbs 173.50; 800-885 lbs 167.00-174.00.
Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1: Calves: lot 370 lbs thin fleshed 304.00; load 425 lbs thin fleshed 289.00; lot 430 lbs 280.50; 450-500 lbs 246.00-262.00; 450-500 lbs thin fleshed 263.00-266.00; 500-575 lbs 239.00-249.00, fleshy 500-600 lbs 228.00-238.00; 600-625 lbs 222.50-230.00; lot 685 lbs 213.00; Yearlings: 600-650 lbs 222.50-241.00; 650-700 lbs 219.00-227.00; 700-750 lbs 214.00-223.00, 720 lbs replacement 224.00-225.00; 760-800 lbs 208.00-214.50; 800-850 lbs 204.00-211.00; 900-965 lbs 191.00-193.50..
Medium and Large 1-2: pkg 325 lbs thin fleshed 290.00; 445-475 lbs 242.00-259.00; 500-555 lbs 228.50-236.00; 550-600 lbs 222.00-233.00; 640-700 lbs 215.00-222.50; 700-775 lbs 204.00-210.00; 800-875 lbs 193.50-198.50.
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