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Ron Hays, Director of Farm and Ranch Programming, Radio Oklahoma Ag Network  |  2401 Exchange Ave, Suite F, Oklahoma City, Ok 73108  |  (405) 601-9211


Agricultural News

Oklahoma State Representative Scott Biggs Responds to Charges of Lying by Drew Edmondson and HSUS

Fri, 19 Feb 2016 05:57:02 CST

Oklahoma State Representative Scott Biggs Responds to Charges of Lying by Drew Edmondson and HSUS Yesterday morning, State Representative Scott Biggs was granted time to take a moment of personal priviledge on the Oklahoma House Floor to address what he calls "the recent attacks of Drew Edmondson and HSUS."

Biggs told House members that earlier in the week, he and Representative Brian Renegar received a letter from former Attorney General Drew Edmondson that scolded the lawmakers over what the former AG called false statements in support of House Bill 2250 in a News Release.

Edmondson claimed the statements that HSUS raised about a million dollars from Oklahomans after the group used the Moore tornado as a reason to ask donors to help- and then spent only about a tenth of that actually helping animals in the state in the aftermath of the tornado were a lie.

Edmondson went on to say in the letter (pictured here) that the HSUS advertising after the Moore tornado "did not use the Moore tornado or promised relief from the Moore tornado."

In his comments on the floor, Biggs responded by saying that HSUS did make reference to the Moore tornado in their solicitations to donors. He cited an email sent after the tornado that talked about the plight of animals after the tornado- and then later asked for money.

Biggs also cited testimony given by HSUS to Congress after the tornado about the amount of money given to the organization in that time frame- an amount that exceeded $1.7 million dollars. Biggs told his colleagues that the HSUS then spent $110,000 of that money on animals and shelters in the region.

He did not reference HB2250 or the news release that Edmondson based his comments on- but Biggs did ask lawmakers to "stand up with other members and tell Drew Edmondson that the Oklahoma House of Representatives will not tolerate threatening letters and veiled attempts to silence legislation that seeks to protect Oklahomans.

Biggs added "Stand up to the Washington, DC outfit that is HSUS and tell them that the Oklahoma House of Representatives will not give in to their bullying tactics, their threats of lawsuits and their demands to the members of this House who are excersizing our Constitutional priviledge to defend the Constitution of this state for the betterment of the citizens of Oklahoma."

Click on the LISTEN BAR below to listen to the remarks offered by Scott Biggs on the House floor on Thursday.


Oklahoma State Rep Scott Biggs responds to charges of lying from Drew Edmondson and HSUS
right-click to download mp3


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