Agricultural News
Noble Foundation Hires New Agricultural Economics Consultant
Tue, 09 Aug 2016 11:34:39 CDT
The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation has selected Myriah Johnson as a new agricultural economics consultant in the Agricultural Division.
As an agricultural economics consultant, Johnson will assist agricultural producers and land stewards by providing education and insight on the numerous financial decisions in agriculture.
"Production agriculture in Oklahoma and Texas is close to my heart, and I'm excited to assist farmers, ranchers and land managers with their work," Johnson said. "The Noble Foundation producer relations program provides the opportunity to work with agricultural producers and help them harness the power of their data, turning it into information that will improve their operations."
Johnson received her bachelor's degree in agricultural economics from Oklahoma State University. She received her master's degree in agricultural economics and doctoral degree in animal science from Texas A&M University.
"We are pleased to have Myriah join the Noble Foundation team," said Hugh Aljoe, Noble Foundation producer relations manager. "Her economics expertise provides us with a skill set that will have immediate benefit to the farmers and ranchers we serve."
Johnson grew up in Perry, Oklahoma, on a wheat, stocker and cow-calf operation.
Source - The Samueal Roberts Noble Foundation
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