Agricultural News
Oklahoma National Stockyards - Oklahoma City, OK - Close
Tue, 13 Sep 2016 11:45:03 CDT
Feeder Cattle Auction Report for 9/12/2016
Actual Receipts: 6,073 Week ago: Holiday Year ago: 10,634
Compared to two weeks ago: Feeder steers and heifers are sold steady to 2.00 lower. Steer and heifer calves were lightly tested but sold with a lower undertone. Unseasonably cooler temperatures swept through the trade area over the weekend bringing fall like weather. Sharp declines in the fat cattle market has buyers being cautious. Quality plain to attractive. Demand moderate. Feeder supply included 36 percent Steers, 3 percent Holstein Steers, 60 percent Heifers, and 1 percent Bulls. Feeder Supply over 600 lbs was 41 percent.
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 Calves: few 360-365 lbs thin fleshed 172.00; 400-500 lbs 143.00-152.50, 425-450 lbs fleshy 143.00-145.00; 500-550 lbs 143.00-150.50, lot 525 lbs value added 152.00, 500-550 lbs fleshy 139.00; few 595-600 lbs 136.00-147.00, lot 575 lbs fleshy 131.00; 600-650 lbs 129.50-143.00; Yearlings: 600-700 lbs 136.00-137.50, lot 600 lbs thin fleshed 148.50; 700-800 lbs 133.25-141.50; 800-850 lbs 128.00-136.25; 850-900 lbs 122.00-128.75; 900-1000 lbs 116.50-124.00.
Medium and Large 1-2: 450-460 lbs 134.00-138.00; 500-550 lbs 132.00-142.00; 550-600 lbs 130.00-138.50; 600-700 lbs 124.00-138.00; 700-725 lbs 128.00-133.00; 750-775 lbs 124.50-131.50; 835-860 lbs 124.00-129.00; 900 lbs 120.00, load 920 lbs thin fleshed 124.75.
Medium and Large 2: 415 lbs 149.00; 575 lbs 127.50; few lots 630-685 lbs 123.00; 745-775 lbs 120.00-134.00; 825 lbs 121.00.
Holstein Large 3: Pkg 285 lbs 80.00; 500 lbs 86.00.
Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1: 405 lbs 157.00; 565 124.50.
Medium and Large 1-2: 320 lbs 141.00; 480 lbs 130.00.
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 Calves: 375-400 lbs 140.00-158.00; 400-450 lbs 136.50-154.00; 450-500 lbs 133.00-137.50; 500 fleshy 123.50; 550-575 lbs 135.00-138.00, load 569 fleshy 119.00; 600-625 lbs 123.00-130.75; 700 lbs 121; 705-750 lbs 123.00-126.25; Yearlings: 620 lbs 114.50; 650-700 lbs 126.00-134.25; 705-750 lbs 130.25-131.75; 755-775 lbs 124.00-128.50; 800 lbs 121.25; 825 lbs fleshy 117.00; 850 lbs 123.25; 890 lbs fleshy 112.00; 900-950 112.00-112.50
Medium and Large 1-2 Calves: 325-350 lbs 137.00-142.00, 330 lbs fleshy125.00; 350-400 lbs 146.00, 370 fleshy 124.00; 400-450 lbs 125.00-138.00;450-500 lbs 121.00-126.25; 550-595 lbs fleshy 117.00-119.00; 600 lbs 119.00;715 lbs 114.00; Yearlings: 625-675 lbs 125.00-130.50, fleshy 119.25-123.00;850 lbs 119.50.
Medium and Large 2 Calves: 480 lbs 117.00; 500-600 lbs 120.50-121.00; 640-675 lbs 110.50-113.00; 725 lbs 113.50; Yearlings: 675 lbs 114.00; 960 lbs 100.00.
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