Agricultural News
Organic Oklahoma Conference Coming This October at OSU - Register Now
Fri, 30 Sep 2016 09:21:17 CDT
The 2016 Organic Oklahoma Conference is slated for October 6-7.
Consumer demand for organic foods continues to grow and provide new opportunities for growers. The Organic Oklahoma 2016 Fall Conference will provide those interested a chance to learn about topics important for successful organic farming including crop production techniques, soil management, food safety and pest management methods of interest to Oklahoma farmers. This two day event will be held Thursday and Friday, October 6 and 7 at the OSU Oklahoma City Campus.
This year's program will feature two distinguished speakers with extensive experience in Organic farming. Dr. Kathleen Delate, Professor of Horticulture at Iowa State University works extensively with no-till faming systems for organic agriculture and will speak on The Future of Organic Agriculture. Dr. Elena Garcia, Professor of Horticulture at the University of Arkansas will speak on Organic Fruit and Vegetable Production and discuss recent work with organic fruit production systems.
In addition to these invited speakers, a slate of Oklahoma Farmers and Researchers will address a spectrum of topics of interest to organic farmers. The use of high tunnels for organic fruit crops and greens will be discussed as well as the use of row covers for controlling insect pests and managing insect pollinators in vegetable crops. The use of alternative types of cropping such as Agro-forestry, traditional and indigenous crops and the introduction of some less common tree crops will be addressed. Additional crop production topics will include organic pest control methods and drip irrigation systems. A fundamental aspect of organic agriculture is soil improvement, management and stewardship, and to this end talks will address the understanding of soil health and the use of cover crops. In addition to these presentations there will be displays and demonstrations of seed inoculation methods, hand tool selection and maintenance, and pesticide application equipment for organic farming.
Registration in advance of the conference is $65 and will include noon meals and refreshments during each day. For additional details and registration information, click here.
Source - Okla. Cooperative Extension
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