Agricultural News
FREE Grazing Management for Healthy Soil Workshop Scheduled for April 18 in Antlers, Oklahoma
Wed, 10 Apr 2019 10:33:26 CDT
Simple Steps to Better Soil Health. Join the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and NRCS soil scientists for a FREE soil health workshop and dinner. The workshop will explore how to manage your land for better soil health and healthy food. Speakers will discuss the soil and its biological components as they relate to grazing and cropping systems, rainwater infiltration, erosion resistance, drought resilience, and plant growth efficiency.
Our soils are often neglected, but there are some soils, some microbes and some grazing systems that will help our soils by investing in some simple soil health practices. The workshop will provide the opportunity for farmers and ranchers to learn simple steps to improve their operations' sustainability. "This workshop will provide a great opportunity for landowners to learn more about protecting and improving their land," stated NRCS district conservationist, Scott Pace.
NRCS partners for the workshop include, the Oklahoma Tribal Conservation Advisory Council (OTCAC), other USDA agencies and conservation groups. Conservation district partners include the Kiamichi, Little River and Pushmataha Conservation Districts. This two-hour event will include a locally-led survey to identify conservation resources concerns in your area, updates on conservation programs, Ag Census, and provide training on simple steps for better forage. Our conservation program discussions will be led by Farm Service Agency, National Agriculture Statistics Service, NRCS, and OCC.
The workshop will be held on April 18th and will start at 6:00 PM. The workshop will be held at the Choctaw Nation Community Center, located at 302 SW "O" Street, in Antlers, Oklahoma. Dinner will be provided by The Oklahoma Tribal Conservation Advisory Council. Attendees are encouraged to pre-register by calling or emailing by April 15th to Shelly Stevenson shelly.stevenson@okstate.edu ph. 580-298-5563 ext. 3 or Dr. Carol Crouch carol.crouch@usda.gov ph. 405-612-9331. The workshop is open to the public.
Source - Oklahoma Conservation Commission
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