Youth News
By the Numbers- Oklahoma Does Great at the 2012 National FFA Convention
Sun, 28 Oct 2012 20:23:59 CDT
If you count from one to five and add in the word "Domination"- you can learn a lot about the success Oklahoma FFA is bringing home from the 2012 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis (click on the names of the individuals or the Chapters to jump to the story we have worked up on each of these 2012 Success stories)-
Number One- For the first time, we have the number one Agriscience Student in FFA across the country- Taylor Runyan of Atoka is the American Star in Agriscience- as we mentioned- that's a first for Oklahoma FFA.
Number Two- Oklahoma FFA ended up SECOND in the number of Proficiency Awards won in 2012- a total of eight national titles out of 49 awarded here in 2012. Second place in the number of Proficiencies was claimed by Georgia. Oklahoma has been first or second three of the last four years in the number of Proficiency Awards collected by FFA members from the state. Proficiency award winners include the following:
Allison Slagell of Weatherford
Bryce Bulling of Mulhall Orlando
Reighly Lou Blakely of Oolagah
Talon Alexander of Madill
Carson Vinyard of Altus
Trenton Grimes of Pond Creek- Hunter
Garrett Yerigan of Pryor
Number Three- It was the third National Proficiency Award in as many years for William Maltbie of Burlington FFA(he's the eighth National Award winner in the number two list)- here in 2012, he claimed the National Proficiency in Landscape Management. As we talked with Maltbie about his "threepeat," he pointed us to his next goal- to become a Star Finalist in Agribusiness in 2013. Don't bet against him!
Number Four- For the FOURTH year in a row- an Oklahoma FFA member is the best Prepared Public Speaker in America- in 2012, that honor goes to Tanner Allread of the Union City FFA, who smashed the competition in 2012 with his speech and analysis of the 2012 Farm Bill. It was my opinion that he answered his questions with as much knowledge and understanding of the process as you would have gotten from a staffer working on the House or Senate Ag Committee- he was that good.
Number Five- Five Oklahoma Agri Science Fair participants received Gold Medals and placed nationally in their respective Divisions. Lance Nowlin of Atoka placed 3rd nationally in Plant Systems Division 2, Gracie Jonas and Sarah Stuart of Noble Placed 8th Nationally in Plant Systems Division 4, Bryce Starks of Cushing placed second nationally in Power, Structure and Technical Systems Division One and finally Mikayla Ott of Cushing placed 5th nationally in Power, Structure and Technical Systems Division 2.
Domination- Add to these accomplishments the overwhelming victory that Kingfisher FFA achieved in the 2012 Livestock Evaluation Contest- the team bested the second place team from California by 76 points- that's insane- and they accomplished that by all four team members finishing in the top ten individual rankings- Katie Lippold was 4th, Matthew Walta was 5th, Gatlin Squires was 6th and Kaitlin Pritchett was 8th. Their coach, Ag teacher Ryan Burns, is obviously proud of them- as he reports that they were the high team in Reasons, Swine, Beef and the Written Test. If anything, this Kingfisher team was even better than the 2010 team that beat second place Oregon by 69 points and placed two of their team members in the top ten individuals.
Click here for our complete listing of stories that we posted for the 2012 National FFA Convention.
Our exclusive coverage from the 2012 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis is a service of the Oklahoma FFA Association and the Oklahoma FFA Alumni Association. Click here for more information about this youth organization. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
Lots more pictures have been added to our national convention collection- Click here for our FLICKR set of National Convention photos for 2012.
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